
Do all of you know the wonderful Sahm King? His last name is appropriate because this guy is the King of the blogosphere. His blogs are incredible, you can find him here at The Arkside of Thought and here at We Drink Because We’re Poets.

Why am I raving on about this guy? Because he created his own award, and then blessed me with it! It is quite an impressive award, I must say.

He asks us to boast about ourselves, because we’re friggin awesome. This is a really hard task for me, as I live in fear of mockery about my work, both my photography and my writing. I wake up each day thinking that someone is going to jump on here and say ‘What were you thinking? You can’t write! Your photography’s crap! Get back behind the coffee machine where you belong!’

But I digress. I think the fact that I am finally on here, sharing both my writing and my photography with the world, shows that my confidence is getting better and I am starting to believe that while I may not yet be ‘friggin awesome’, I am at the very least ‘frig-awe’. The ‘gin-some’ will come one day.

So, who out there in the blogosphere do I think is pretty friggin awesome? Well, everyone that I follow, for a start. But I’m going to throw this out to a few of my faves, and I’m sure it will make it’s way around to the rest of you soon.

  1. One Starving Activist
  2. Colin Butterworth
  3. erickeys
  4. Cindy Knoke
  5. All Downhill From Here
  6. This Blog Intentionally Blank

Again, I would nominate hundreds more of you if time and patience allowed, but unfortunately those two things are sorely lacking in my life at the moment. There is another reason that I chose these six, and that is because they have all been incredibly supportive of my blogs, both this one and The Paperbook Blog. That’s not to say that there aren’t many more of you that have been equally as supportive, and believe me when I say I appreciate every single person who reads, likes or comments on anything I post.

After witnessing a particularly harsh and unnecessary attack on someone’s blog today, I just want to put some positivity and encouragement out into the WordPress atmosphere. What I love most about this place is just how supportive everyone is of each other, re-blogging, sharing and promoting blog’s we love. It is one of the most encouraging things that can be done for anyone who is trying to achieve anything with their blog, be it forging a new career or simply having a place to vent.

Sahm asked us as part of this award to state one thing that makes us happy, and for me today it’s you, my fellow bloggers. So at the risk of sounding overly sentimental: keep encouraging one another, keep reading other’s work, share and promote what you love and if you see something you don’t like, just scroll past it. It’s not hard to do.

8 thoughts on “Fan-friggin-tabulous.

  1. WHAAAAT?!?!?!? LOL. You sound like my lady. It’s funny; it seems to be the most creative among you that never think you’re all that awesome. On another note, I’d be really surprised if anyone ever ripped up your work. That would be like going to Leonardo and telling him, “What’s up with the doodles, Leo?” All the same, very, very awesome post!

  2. Thanks for the award! I will try and post the required “Acceptance” entry but it might be a little while. It means a lot to me that you think I’m friggin awesome!

  3. Eeep! Squeal! What?! Another award, for lil ol’ me?! I am super excited! I can’t wait to add it to the collective, er, I mean the Trophy Room 😀 Thank you my dear–it is so appreciated!

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